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- /* ASTExpressionList.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "ASTExpressionList.h"
- #include "TrashTracker.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "ASTExpression.h"
- struct ASTExprListRec
- {
- struct ASTExpressionRec* First;
- ASTExprListRec* Rest;
- };
- /* cons an AST expression onto a list */
- ASTExprListRec* ASTExprListCons(ASTExpressionRec* First, ASTExprListRec* Rest,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker)
- {
- ASTExprListRec* NewNode;
- if (First != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(First);
- }
- if (Rest != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Rest);
- }
- NewNode = (ASTExprListRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTExprListRec),TrashTracker);
- if (NewNode == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(NewNode,"ASTExprListRec");
- NewNode->First = First;
- NewNode->Rest = Rest;
- return NewNode;
- }
- /* type check a list of expressions. this returns eCompileNoError if */
- /* everything is ok, and the appropriate type in *ResultingDataType. */
- CompileErrors TypeCheckExprList(DataTypes* ResultingDataType,
- ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList, long* ErrorLineNumber,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker)
- {
- CompileErrors Error;
- /* ExpressionList should NOT be NIL, since that's handled by the expression */
- /* container */
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- /* the result type is filled in now */
- Error = TypeCheckExpression(ResultingDataType,ExpressionList->First,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- /* if there is another one, then do it */
- if (ExpressionList->Rest != NIL)
- {
- return TypeCheckExprList(ResultingDataType,ExpressionList->Rest,ErrorLineNumber,
- TrashTracker);
- }
- else
- {
- return eCompileNoError;
- }
- }
- /* get the first expression */
- struct ASTExpressionRec* ExprListGetFirstExpr(ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- return ExpressionList->First;
- }
- /* get the tail expression list */
- ASTExprListRec* ExprListGetRestList(ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- return ExpressionList->Rest;
- }
- /* install a new first in the list */
- void ExprListPutNewFirst(ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList,
- struct ASTExpressionRec* NewFirst)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- CheckPtrExistence(NewFirst);
- ExpressionList->First = NewFirst;
- }
- /* this is a helper function for generating code */
- static MyBoolean CodeGenSequenceHelper(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList)
- {
- long StackDepth;
- CheckPtrExistence(FuncCode);
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam;
- /* generate code for the first expression */
- if (!CodeGenExpression(FuncCode,&StackDepth,ExpressionList->First))
- {
- return False;
- }
- if (ExpressionList->Rest != NIL)
- {
- /* if there is another expression, then pop the value we just */
- /* calcuated & evaluate the next one */
- if (!AddPcodeInstruction(FuncCode,epStackPop,NIL))
- {
- return False;
- }
- StackDepth -= 1;
- if (!CodeGenSequenceHelper(FuncCode,&StackDepth,ExpressionList->Rest))
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- /* else no next one, so just keep it */
- *StackDepthParam = StackDepth;
- return True;
- }
- /* generate code for an expression list that is a series of sequential expressions. */
- /* returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenExpressionListSequence(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList)
- {
- long StackDepth;
- CheckPtrExistence(FuncCode);
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam;
- /* generate code for all of the expressions */
- if (!CodeGenSequenceHelper(FuncCode,&StackDepth,ExpressionList))
- {
- return False;
- }
- /* if there are any more than 1 additional value on the stack, then we */
- /* must pop all the other values off, since they are local variables */
- if (StackDepth - *StackDepthParam > 1)
- {
- if (!AddPcodeInstruction(FuncCode,epStackDeallocateUnder,NIL))
- {
- return False;
- }
- if (!AddPcodeOperandInteger(FuncCode,StackDepth - *StackDepthParam - 1))
- {
- return False;
- }
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam + 1;
- }
- ERROR(StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 1,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CodeGenExpressionListSequence: stack messed up after recurrance call"));
- *StackDepthParam = StackDepth;
- return True;
- }
- /* generate code for an argument list -- all args stay on the stack. */
- /* returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenExpressionListArguments(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTExprListRec* ExpressionList)
- {
- long StackDepth;
- CheckPtrExistence(FuncCode);
- /* see if there is even any code to be generated */
- if (ExpressionList == NIL)
- {
- /* nope */
- return True;
- }
- CheckPtrExistence(ExpressionList);
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam;
- /* generate code for the first expression */
- if (!CodeGenExpression(FuncCode,&StackDepth,ExpressionList->First))
- {
- return False;
- }
- ERROR(StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 1,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CodeGenExpressionListArguments: stack messed up"));
- /* if there's another argument, then do it too */
- if (ExpressionList->Rest != NIL)
- {
- if (!CodeGenExpressionListArguments(FuncCode,&StackDepth,ExpressionList->Rest))
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- *StackDepthParam = StackDepth;
- return True;
- }